Oil Palm Fertilization Guide
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Oil Palm Fertilization Guide




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Intended as guide for designing the fertilization system in oil palm
plantations, this book explains in clear language how to define fertilizer
recommendations for each plantation, considering the specific characteristics
of each site.

The authors present the principles for interpreting the results of plant
tissue analysis, mainly leaflets, taking into account the influence of factors
specific to each plantation (age, plant material, climate, soil). They detail
how to experimentally determine site-specific reference levels of mineral
elements and sampling rules for monitoring the nutritional status of the
plantation. Priority is given to the most specific facies (soil, plant
material) of the planted areas rather than to an average representation of the

This guide explains how to create fertilization schedules to achieve optimal
leaf contents from experimentation, and to compare these data with information
from geographic information systems. This decision support system is designed
to be valid in all situations.

In addition to the economic optimization of fertilization, environmental
concerns are considered: soil health and absorption efficiency must be
integrated into the fertilization strategy by optimizing cultivation practices
for fertilizer application and organic matter management.

This guide is illustrated by numerous examples from trials in various soil,
climate and plant material conditions in Africa and Latin America.

This book is available in French : Piloter la fertilisation du palmier à

Read the foreword written by Tristan Durand-Gasselin, senior oil palm breeder
and CEO of PalmElit.
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